Anyone who is searching for Spiritual progression, look no further, Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time. It raises the vibration of the client to a much higher level of spiritual understanding, expanding the aura and helping with a change in consciousness.
Rahanni is thousands of years old but is now the 'new' healing modality for this Golden Age, a moving forward of spiritual growth by releasing negativity and the old ways of thinking to that of inner peace, positive thought and compassion. So many people in these days of pain and suffering are searching for a better quality of life, well, maybe you have just found it with the healing Light of Rahanni Celestial Healing.
There are Rahanni practitioners in at least 20 countries worldwide. People's heart centres are opening now, like never before and it is bringing forward so much love and compassion to humanity, helping everyone to have this most needed change in consciousness.
“Rahanni” means “Of one Heart”, there is no separation, we are all from the one Divine universal life-force energy. This powerful healing energy vibrates on a pink ray of light which connects to the heart centre releasing all fear based thinking and negativity. It opens us up to our natural essence of truth, love and compassion and balances our masculine and feminine energies.
It helps to release our fears and negative thoughts accumulated over this and many past lifetimes, allowing our heart centre to open fully to unconditional love, joy, inner peace and harmony.
Rahanni Practitioners are attuned to the celestial energies raising their vibration allowing them to become a channel for this wonderful healing light.As a Level One Practitioner you will be attuned to a beautiful healing pink ray of Light, allowing you to connect with Ascended Masters Kwan Yin (Goddess of Love and Compassion) and Lord Melchizedek; the Celestial Pink Angels, 7 Archangels and Higher Beings of Light. Carol Anne Steacy brought in this divinely guided and extremely beautiful energy. Rahanni means Of One Heart. It is healing from the Heart for the Heart. It is an honour to be holding this class. The workshop will include (adapted from Carol Staceys website):
The attunement to Rahanni, a 5th Dimensional healing light.
A full comprehensive manual of 80 pages with in-depth knowledge of Rahanni.
Connection to Ascended Masters, Archangels and Higher Beings of Light.
Distant Healing.
Healing for Children, Animals and Self-Healing and healing of situations.
Connection to 7 Archangels and their attributes.
A certificate, accepted by Insurance companies world-wide.
A raising of your spiritual vibration to connect with the 5th Dimension.
You will receive in-depth knowledge that has been offered by the Higher Beings of Light for the healing of humanity and this planet.
You can also be included in the Rahanni Directory Listing managed by Carol Stacey to help promote your business and this is free of charge. You will receive :
An attunement to Rahanni, a 5th Dimensional healing light which will enable you to connect with Celestial Pink Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters Kwan Yin and Lord Melchizedek and Higher Beings of Light.
A copy of Carol Anne Stacey’s original fully comprehensive Practitioner Level 1 manual, containing an in-depth knowledge of Rahanni.
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level One Practitioner Certification
A complimentary Rahanni Share for all course graduates will take place within 3 - 6 weeks of completion of Practitioner Level to include questions and answers, opportunity for the group to share experiences, the giving and receiving of Rahanni.
Ongoing telephone and email support
You will learn:
The origin of Rahanni
About the Ascended Masters and Angels Rahanni works with
How to give a Rahanni Self healing
How to give a one to one Rahanni Healing for a client
How to give Rahanni Distant healing
This one day course starts at 10am and finishes at 5pm. Course fee is €150 per person. Refreshments and course materials are included in the cost of the training course.
Booking is essential as places are limited. A non-refundable deposit of €50 is required to secure a place with the balance to be paid on the day of the course.
Please see the Rahanni Celestial Healing page for more information and Carols page Thank you.
Teacher - Pippa King
I've been teaching and healing professionally since 2001,
Rahanni is such an deeply relaxing, rebalancing and enjoyable treatment, It is a very high vibration healing modality, but also very gentle and nurturing.
It is a beautiful energy to bring into your life